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Two-sided marketplace applications such as ride-sharing or vacation rental apps are easy to build on top of Sequence. These applications tend to have a few things in common — buyers pay providers, the company takes a cut, and the providers get paid out periodically.

In this guide, we explore how to build a ride-sharing application on top of Sequence.


There are two types of users: riders and drivers. These will each be represented as accounts in the ledger.

We will also create a platform processing account. Every time a user takes a ride, the amount of the fare will be transferred into the processing account and then divided between the driver and the company.

For each country or region in which the marketplace operates, we will represent fares, refunds, and promotional credits as tokens in the ledger, with a flavor for each type of balance. Each one of these will be denominated in a single currency. So, for example, if there were two different regions with distinct currencies, we would have two fare flavors, one for each currency.


To set up our ledger, we will create several keys, flavors, and accounts.


Authority to create transactions in the ledger is assigned to two distinct systems:

  1. Operations - responsible for processing ride payments, issuing refunds to users, paying out drivers, and collecting the company portion of the fares
  2. Promotions - responsible for issuing promotional credit to users

Each system will have a key that will be used to perform its actions in the ledger. To create these keys, we run the following:

new Key.Builder()

new Key.Builder()


For each currency supported by the platform, the ledger will need two flavors. For this example, we will assume the platform only supports USD. Therefore, the two flavors will be:

  • usd - represents amounts deposited or earned
  • promo_credit_usd - promotional credit distributed to riders for future rides

We will use tags to record details like denomination currency and type (e.g., "promotional_credit") to make querying easier later.

We will create usd and promo_credit_usd with the operations key and promotions key, respectively:

new Flavor.Builder()
.addTag("currency", "usd")
.addTag("type", "cash")

new Flavor.Builder()
.addTag("currency", "usd")
.addTag("type", "promotion")


Each rider and driver will need an account in the ledger. Although these accounts would actually be created by the ride-sharing application in real-time, for this example we'll assume we have one rider and one driver, and we'll create their accounts as part of the setup.

We also need a processing account, which will process payments.

We will use tags to differentiate between the types of accounts.

new Account.Builder()
.addTag("type", "driver")

new Account.Builder()
.addTag("type", "rider")

new Account.Builder()
.addTag("type", "processing")

Transaction Types

Now that we have created our flavors and accounts, we can model the different types of transactions.

Ride Payment

When a rider pays a ride with credit card, we create an atomic transaction containing four actions:

  1. Issue - an amount of usd tokens equal to the total fare into the rider's account to represent the credit card charge
  2. Transfer - the same amount of usd tokens from the rider's account to the processing account
  3. Transfer - an amount of the usd tokens equal to the driver's portion from the processing account to the driver's account
  4. Retire - the remaining usd tokens from the processing account for the company portion

We use action tags to record details about each action and distinguish between the different types.

For this example, assume that Rider1 pays a $20.00 fare for a ride with Driver1, and the company takes 10% of the fare ($2.00). Note that the amount of issuance is 2000, because the fundamental unit of the USD flavor is a cent.

new Transaction.Builder()
.addAction(new Transaction.Builder.Action.Issue()
.addActionTagsField("type", "credit_charge")
.addActionTagsField("credit_charge_id", "123")
.addActionTagsField("rider_profile", "personal")
).addAction(new Transaction.Builder.Action.Transfer()
.addActionTagsField("type", "fare_payment")
).addAction(new Transaction.Builder.Action.Transfer()
.addActionTagsField("type", "driver_fare_share")
).addAction(new Transaction.Builder.Action.Retire()
.addActionTagsField("type", "company_fee")

Since this transaction issues usd and transfers between accounts, it must be signed by the operations key. This is handled automatically by the transact SDK method.

Refund Rider

When the company refunds a rider, we create a transaction with a single action, issuing usd tokens into the rider's account.

We can use action tags to record the reason for the refund.

Assume that Rider1 is refunded $5.00 because the driver took a poor route, and the company covers the cost with no impact to the driver's portion of the previously collected fare.

new Transaction.Builder()
.addAction(new Transaction.Builder.Action.Issue()
.addActionTagsField("type", "refund")
.addActionTagsField("reason", "poor_route")
.addActionTagsField("ride_id", "123")

Because this transaction issues usd, it must be signed by the operations key. This is handled automatically by the transact SDK method.

Distribute Promotional Credits

When the company decides to issue promotional credits to a rider, we create a transaction with a single action, issuing the promotional USD flavor into the rider's account.

Assume that Rider1 is distributed $3.00 worth of promotional credits because they referred a friend.

new Transaction.Builder()
.addAction(new Transaction.Builder.Action.Issue()
.addActionTagsField("type", "promotion")
.addActionTagsField("campaign", "referral")

Because this transaction issues promo_credit_usd, it must be signed by the promotions key. This is handled automatically by the transact SDK method.

Ride Payment - with credits

When a rider has promotional credits in their account, they can choose to apply them to a fare. We model this as a single atomic transaction with five actions:

  1. Retire - the amount of credits that will be used from the rider's account
  2. Issue - the same amount of usd into the rider's account
  3. Transfer - the total amount of the fare in usd from the rider's account to the processing account to represent the fare payment
  4. Transfer - an amount of usd equal to the driver's portion from the processing account to the driver's account
  5. Retire - an amount of usd tokens equal to the company fee from the rider's account

Note that we effectively exchange promo_credit_usd for usd so that there is a single transfer of usd in the amount of the full ride. This will make it easy to query for ride fares later. See the Queries section below.

Assume that Rider1 pays a $5.00 fare for a ride with Driver1, using $3.00 of promotional credits. The company fee is 10% of the fare ($0.50).

new Transaction.Builder()
.addAction(new Transaction.Builder.Action.Retire()
.addActionTagsField("type", "redeem_credits")
).addAction(new Transaction.Builder.Action.Issue()
.addActionTagsField("type", "cash_value_of_credits")
).addAction(new Transaction.Builder.Action.Transfer()
.addActionTagsField("type", "fare_payment")
).addAction(new Transaction.Builder.Action.Transfer()
.addActionTagsField("type", "driver_fare_share")
).addAction(new Transaction.Builder.Action.Retire()
.addActionTagsField("type", "company_fee")

Payout Driver

When the company pays out a driver balance, we create a transaction with a single action retiring usd from the driver's account in an amount equal to the payout.

We can use action tags to record details about the withdrawal, such as the withdrawal method and associated transaction ID in an external system.

Assume that the company pays Driver1 the balance of $20 via ACH.

new Transaction.Builder()
.addAction(new Transaction.Builder.Action.Retire()
.addActionTagsField("type", "driver_payout")
.addActionTagsField("system", "ach")
.addActionTagsField("ach_transaction_id", "11111")


Now that we have created several transactions, we can query the ledger in various ways.

Driver Balance

If we want to know the balance that a driver has earned but has not yet been paid out, we perform a sum tokens query, filtering to the driver's account id and the USD flavor.

For example, let's query the balance in Driver1's account.

TokenSum.ItemIterable balances = new Token.SumBuilder()
.setFilter("AccountId=$1 AND FlavorId=$2")

for (TokenSum balance : balances) {
System.out.println("amount: " + balance.amount);

which will output:

amount: x

Driver earning history

If we want to know the amounts a driver earned for their rides, we create a list actions query, filtering to actions with type driver_fare_share and a destination of the drivers's account. In the below, we set page size to 10 to return the 10 most recent rides only. This will return the 10 most recent rides for that driver.

Action.Page actions = new Action.ListBuilder()
.setFilter("tags.type=$1 AND destinationAccountId=$2")

for (Action action : actions.items) {
System.out.println("amount: " + action.amount);

which will output:

amount: x

amount: y


Rider Credits Balances

If we want to know the amount of credits each rider has available to spend on rides, we need to perform a sum tokens query filtering to the promotional credits flavor and accounts with type 'rider', and grouping by account id.

TokenSum.ItemIterable balances = new Token.SumBuilder()
.setFilter("FlavorId=$1 AND AccountTags.type=$2")

for (TokenSum balance : balances) {
System.out.println("account: " + balance.accountId);
System.out.println("amount: " + balance.amount);

which will output:

account: ...
amount: ...


Rider fare history

If we want to know the total amount that a rider paid for each of their recent rides, we create a list actions query, filtering to actions with a type of fare_payment and a source account of 'rider1'.

Action.Page actions = new Action.ListBuilder()
.setFilter("tags.type=$1 AND SourceAccountId=$2")

for (Action action : actions.items) {
System.out.println("amount: " + action.amount);

which will output:

fare: x

fare: y
