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Query Filters

Filters allow:

  1. narrowing results of a query to those containing specific values.
  2. narrowing the selection of tokens when building a transaction to those with tags.

A filter is composed of one or more terms, with multiple terms joined with AND and OR. Each term contains a property, operator, and value. Each term targets a specific field in the key-value (JSON) object. Terms can be grouped together in a scope to target a specific array of sub-objects within an object.

For example, to list transactions where Alice transferred USD, you would create a filter with three terms, scoped to the actions array:

actions(type='transfer' AND sourceAccountId='alice' AND flavorId='USD')


Any field in a JSON object can be used as a filter property. To use a field that is nested within another field, provide the path to it, starting with the outermost parent object. For example:


Note: although you can create tags with any valid JSON object, you can only query fieldnames that contain letters, numbers, and underscores.


For all fields, filters currently support the = operator, which allows you to search for exact matches of string and integer values. Other data types, such as booleans, are not supported.

Inequalities on timestamps fields

Inequality operators (<, >, <=, >=) are supported on timestamp fields – both the built-in timestamp fields in the action and transaction objects, and arbitrary user-provided timestamps in any tags field.

The value of all timestamp field inequalities must be a string in RFC3339 timestamp format with the Z time zone:


The property must also be appending with a :time type indicator:

tags.expiration:time > 2018-05-02T20:43:57.917Z

Inline and parameterized values

There are two methods of providing search values to the operator. First, you can include them inline, surrounded by single quotes:


Alternatively, you can specify a parameterized filter, without single quotes:

id=$1 OR id=$2

When using parameterized filters, you should also provide an ordered set of values for the parameters:

["bob-checking", "bob-savings"]

The SDKs support both parameterized and non-parameterized filters. The explorer does not support parameterized filters.


The transaction object contains an actions array. The actions() filter scope allows targeting a specific action within that array.

For example, the following will return transactions where Alice received gold:

actions(destinationAccountId=alice' AND flavorId='gold')


List actions that issued USD to Alice's account.

Action.Page page1 = new Action.ListBuilder()
.setFilter("destinationAccountId=$1 AND flavorId=$2 AND type=$3")
for (Action action : page1.items) {

String cursor = page1.cursor;

Action.Page page2 = new Action.ListBuilder()
.getPage(ledger, cursor);
for (Action action : page2.items) {