Accounts represent entities in the ledger. Each account can hold many different flavors of tokens. Tokens can be issued into an account, transferred from one account to another, or retired from an account using a transaction.
An account id is a user-defined, unique identifier. If you do not provide one, one will be created for you automatically.
Keys & Quorum
When creating an account, you provide one or more keys and a quorum. The quorum is the number of keys that must sign a transaction in order to transfer or retire tokens from the account. By default, the quorum is equal to the number of keys provided, but you can choose to require only a subset of keys – for example, 2-of-3.
Account tags are a set of user-defined key-value pairs associated with an account. Account tags are useful for grouping different accounts together for the purpose of querying balances.
For example, if one user has three different types of accounts, they could all have a tag containing the same user ID.
Then, when you want to query the balance of each flavor across all of the user's accounts, you would provide the following filter to the sum tokens query:
- Java
- Node.js
- Ruby
and set the sum-by parameter as:
- Java
- Node.js
- Ruby
This would return a list of token "balances" across all the accounts for that user.
Tags snapshot
When a new action is added to a ledger via a transaction, a snapshot of the source account tags and destination account tags as they exist at that time are added to the snapshot
object in the action object.
You can then provide a filter to access the tags snapshot when querying actions. For example:
- Java
- Node.js
- Ruby
Updating tags
You can update account tags at any time. These new tags will be added to the snapshot on any new actions going forward. Snapshots on existing actions will not be affected.
Data Structure
Field Descriptions
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | User-supplied or system-assigned unique identifier of the account. |
tags | JSON object | Arbitrary, user-supplied, key-value data about the account. |
key ids | array | A list of ids of keys that control tokens in the account. |
quorum | integer | The number of keys from which signatures are required to transfer or retire from the account. |
Example Object
- Java
- Node.js
- Ruby
id: "...",
tags: {},
keyIds: [],
quorum: 1
id: "...",
tags: {},
keyIds: [],
quorum: 1
id: "...",
tags: {},
key_ids: [],
quorum: 1
Create an account
Create a checking account for Alice.
- Java
- Node.js
- Ruby
Account alice = new Account.Builder()
.addTag("type", "checking")
id: 'alice',
keyIds: [],
tags: {type: 'checking'}
}).then(alice => ...)
alice = ledger.accounts.create(
id: 'alice',
key_ids: [],
tags: {type: 'checking'}
Query accounts
Query all checking accounts.
- Java
- Node.js
- Ruby
Account.ItemIterable accounts = new Account.ListBuilder()
for (Account account : accounts) {
System.out.println("account: " +;
let all = ledger.accounts.list({
filter: 'tags.type=$1',
filterParams: ['checking']
while (true) {
let { value: account, done: done } = await
if (done) { break }
filter: 'tags.type=$1',
filter_params: ['checking']
).each do |account|
puts account.to_json