An action is an individual component of a transaction that issues, transfers, or retires tokens of a single flavor.
In this document, we will examine action queries, which are useful for retrieving historical state of the ledger.
For more information about creating actions, see Transactions.
There are two different types of queries that you can perform on actions:
- A list query returns a time-ordered set of actions beginning with the most recent.
- A sum query is an aggregate over the
fields in a set of actions.
Both queries accept a filter to narrow the results.
Group By
The group-by query parameter on the sum actions query indicates how amounts of a set of actions should be summed.
The query will break the results into groups where all values of the each group-by field are identical. This is analogous to the "GROUP BY" clause in SQL.
If no group-by parameter is specified, all results will be summed to a single amount.
List actions
If your transaction structure has more than one action, you may wish to query a list of only one type.
For example, you could query all the actions where usd
is issued:
- Java
- Node.js
- Ruby
Action.ItemIterable actions = new Action.ListBuilder()
.setFilter("type=$1 AND flavorId=$2")
for (Action action : actions) {
System.out.println("amount: " + action.amount);
System.out.println("issued at: " + action.timestamp);
let all = ledger.actions.list({
filter: 'type=$1 AND flavorId=$2',
filterParams: ['issue', 'usd']
while (true) {
let { value: action, done: done } = await
if (done) { break }
console.log('amount: ', action.amount)
console.log('issued at: ', action.timestamp)
filter: 'type=$1 AND flavor_id=$2',
filter_params: ['issue', 'usd']
).each do |action|
puts 'amount: ', action.amount
puts 'issued at: ', action.timestamp
Sum actions
If you want to calculate historical totals of specific actions, you can perform a sum query using a filter.
For example, imagine a mobile wallet ledger where every transaction has two actions - one that transfers a payment amount of cash from a user to a merchant and one that transfers a fee amount of cash from the merchant to a company fee account.
- Java
- Node.js
- Ruby
actions: [
type: "transfer",
flavorId: "cash",
amount: 10000,
sourceAccountId: "alice",
destinationAccountId: "merchant1",
type: "transfer",
flavorId: "cash",
amount: 200,
sourceAccountId: "merchant1",
destinationAccountId: "feeAccount",
actions [
type: "transfer",
flavorId: "cash",
amount: 10000,
sourceAccountId: "alice",
destinationAccountId: "merchant1",
type: "transfer",
flavorId: "cash",
amount: 200,
sourceAccountId: "merchant1",
destinationAccountId: "feeAccount",
actions [
type: "transfer",
flavor_id: "cash",
amount: 10000,
source_account_id: "alice",
destination_account_id: "merchant1",
type: "transfer",
flavor_id: "cash",
amount: 200,
source_account_id: "merchant1",
destination_account_id: "fee_account",
You could use a sum query to calculate the amount of fees earned since timestamp t
Since we are looking for a single value, we do not need to provide a group-by parameter.
- Java
- Node.js
- Ruby
ActionSum.ItemIterable totals = new Action.SumBuilder()
.setFilter("destinationAccountId=$1 AND timestamp > $2")
for (ActionSum total : totals) {
System.out.println("amount: " + total.amount);
let all = ledger.actions.sum({
filter: 'destinationAccountId=$1 AND timestamp > $2',
filterParams: ['feeAccount', t]
while (true) {
let { value: total, done: done } = await
if (done) { break }
console.log('total fees: ', total.amount)
filter: 'destination_account_id=$1 AND timestamp > $2',
filter_params: ['fee_account', t]
).each do |total|
puts 'total fees: ', total.amount
Data Structure
Field Descriptions
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | Unique identifier of the action. |
timestamp | string | Time (in RFC3339 format) that the action was committed to the ledger. |
type | string | Type of action – either issue , transfer , or retire . |
amount | integer | Amount of tokens issued, transferred, or retired. |
flavor id | string | The id of the flavor. |
source account id | string | The id of the source account. |
filter | string | The filter provided at the time of transaction to select tokens. |
filter params | array of strings | The ordered set of values for any placeholders (e.g $1 ) included in the filter. |
destination account id | string | The id of the destination account. |
snapshot | object | A snapshot of all associated tags at the time of the transaction. |
tags | JSON object | The current tags on the action. |
Snapshot Object
Field | Type | Description |
action tags | JSON object | The tags of the action (at time of transaction). |
flavor tags | JSON object | The tags of the flavor (at time of transaction). |
source account tags | JSON object | The tags of the source account (at time of transaction). |
destination account tags | JSON object | The tags of the destination account (at time of transaction). |
token tags | JSON object | The tags added to the tokens as they arrived in the destination account (at time of transaction). |
transaction tags | JSON object | The tags added to the transaction (at time of transaction). |
Example Objects
Issue Action
- Java
- Node.js
- Ruby
type: "issue",
id: "",
timestamp: "",
flavorId: "",
amount: 1,
destinationAccountId: "",
tags: {},
snapshot: {
actionTags: {},
flavorTags: {},
destinationAccountTags: {},
tokenTags: {},
transactionTags: {}
type: "issue",
id: "",
timestamp: "",
flavorId: "",
amount: 1,
destinationAccountId: "",
tags: {},
snapshot: {
actionTags: {},
flavorTags: {},
destinationAccountTags: {},
tokenTags: {},
transactionTags: {}
type: "issue",
id: "",
timestamp: "",
flavor_id: "",
amount: 1,
destination_account_id: "",
tags: {},
snapshot: {
action_tags: {},
flavor_tags: {},
destination_account_tags: {},
token_tags: {},
transaction_tags: {}
Transfer Action
- Java
- Node.js
- Ruby
type: "issue",
id: "",
timestamp: "",
flavorId: "",
amount: 1,
sourceAccountId: "",
filter: "",
filterParams: [""],
destinationAccountId: "",
tags: {},
snapshot: {
actionTags: {},
flavorTags: {},
sourceAccountTags: {},
destinationAccountTags: {},
tokenTags: {},
transactionTags: {}
type: "issue",
id: "",
timestamp: "",
flavorId: "",
amount: 1,
sourceAccountId: "",
filter: "",
filterParams: [""],
destinationAccountId: "",
tags: {},
snapshot: {
actionTags: {},
flavorTags: {},
sourceAccountTags: {},
destinationAccountTags: {},
tokenTags: {},
transactionTags: {}
type: "transfer",
id: "",
timestamp: "",
flavor_id: "",
amount: 1,
source_account_id: "",
filter: "",
filter_params: [""],
destination_account_id: "",
tags: {},
snapshot: {
action_tags: {},
flavor_tags: {},
source_account_tags: {},
destination_account_tags: {},
token_tags: {},
transaction_tags: {}
Retire Action
- Java
- Node.js
- Ruby
type: "retire",
id: "",
timestamp: "",
flavorId: "",
amount: 1,
sourceAccountId: "",
filter: "",
filterParams: [""],
tags: {},
snapshot: {
actionTags: {},
flavorTags: {},
sourceAccountTags: {},
transactionTags: {}
type: "retire",
id: "",
timestamp: "",
flavorId: "",
amount: 1,
sourceAccountId: "",
filter: "",
filterParams: [""],
tags: {},
snapshot: {
actionTags: {},
flavorTags: {},
sourceAccountTags: {},
transactionTags: {}
type: "retire",
id: "",
timestamp: "",
flavor_id: "",
amount: 1,
source_account_id: "",
filter: "",
filter_params: [""],
tags: {},
snapshot: {
action_tags: {},
flavor_tags: {},
source_account_tags: {},
transaction_tags: {}
SDK Examples
List query by flavor
List all actions that transferred USD.
- Java
- Node.js
- Ruby
Action.ItemIterable actions = new Action.ListBuilder()
.setFilter("type=$1 AND flavorId=$2")
for (Action action : actions) {
System.out.println("amount: " + action.amount);
System.out.println("transferred at: " + action.timestamp);
let all = ledger.actions.list({
filter: 'type=$1 AND flavorId=$2',
filterParams: ['transfer', 'usd']
while (true) {
let { value: action, done: done } = await
if (done) { break }
console.log('amount: ', action.amount)
console.log('transferred at: ',action.timestamp)
filter: 'type=$1 AND flavorId=$2',
filter_params: ['transfer', 'usd']
).each do |action|
puts 'amount: ', action.amount
puts 'transferred at: ', action.timestamp
List query by account
List all actions where Alice transferred tokens (of any flavor) to Bob
- Java
- Node.js
- Ruby
Action.ItemIterable actions = new Action.ListBuilder()
.setFilter("sourceAccountId=$1 AND destinationAccountId=$2")
for (Action action : actions) {
System.out.println("amount: " + action.amount);
System.out.println("flavor: " + action.flavorId);
System.out.println("transferred at: " + action.timestamp);
let all = ledger.actions.list({
filter: 'sourceAccountId=$1 AND destinationAccountId=$2',
filterParams: ['alice', 'bob']
while (true) {
let { value: action, done: done } = await
if (done) { break }
console.log('amount: ', action.amount)
console.log('flavor: ', action.flavorId)
console.log('transferred at: ', action.timestamp)
filter: 'source_account_id=$1 AND destination_account_id=$2',
filter_params: ['alice', 'bob']
).each do |action|
puts 'amount: ', action.amount
puts 'flavor: ', action.flavor_id
puts 'transferred at: ', action.timestamp
List query by action tags
Assuming that tokens are issued when a deposit occurs in some external system and the source
of the deposit is recorded as a field in the action tags, list all issue actions where deposit source was wire transfer.
- Java
- Node.js
- Ruby
Action.ItemIterable actions = new Action.ListBuilder()
.setFilter("type=$1 AND tags.source=$2")
for (Action action : actions) {
System.out.println("amount: " + action.amount);
System.out.println("flavor: " + action.flavorId);
System.out.println("deposited at: " + action.timestamp);
let all = ledger.actions.list({
filter: 'type=$1 AND tags.source=$2',
filterParams: ['issue', 'wire']
while (true) {
let { value: action, done: done } = await
if (done) { break }
console.log('amount: ', action.amount)
console.log('flavor: ', action.flavorId)
console.log('deposited at: ', action.timestamp)
filter: 'type=$1 AND tags.source=$2',
filter_params: ['issue', 'wire']
).each do |action|
puts 'currency: ', action.flavor_id
puts 'amount: ', action.amount
puts 'deposited at: ', action.timestamp
List query by flavor tags snapshot
Assuming each currency flavor is tagged with "type": "currency"
, list all actions where any type of "currency" was issued.
- Java
- Node.js
- Ruby
Action.ItemIterable actions = new Action.ListBuilder()
.setFilter("type=$1 AND snapshot.flavorTags.type=$2")
for (Action action : actions) {
System.out.println("type: " + action.snapshot.flavorTags.get("type"));
System.out.println("currency: " + action.flavorId);
System.out.println("amount: " + action.amount);
System.out.println("issued at: " + action.timestamp);
let all = client.actions.list(
filter: 'type=$1 AND snapshot.flavorTags.type=$2',
filterParams: ['issue', 'currency']
while (true) {
let { value: action, done: done } = await
if (done) { break }
console.log('type: ', action.snapshot.flavorTags.type)
console.log('currency: ', action.flavorId)
console.log('amount: ', action.amount)
console.log('issued at: ', action.timestamp)
filter: 'type=$1 AND snapshot.flavor_tags.type=$2',
filter_params: ['issue', 'currency']
).each do |action|
puts 'type: ', action.snapshot.flavor_tags['type']
puts 'currency: ', action.flavor_id
puts 'amount: ', action.amount
puts 'issued at: ', action.timestamp
Sum query by type over a time range
Assuming each currency flavor is tagged with "type": "currency"
, calculate the amount of each "currency" issued between timestamp t1
and t2
- Java
- Node.js
- Ruby
ActionSum.ItemIterable sums = new Action.SumBuilder()
.setFilter("type = $1 AND snapshot.flavorTags.type = $2 AND timestamp >= $3 AND timestamp =< $4")
for (ActionSum sum : sums) {
System.out.println("currency: " + sum.flavorId);
System.out.println("amount issued: " + sum.amount);
let all = client.actions.sum(
filter: 'type = $1 AND snapshot.flavorTags.type = $2 AND timestamp >= $3 AND timestamp <= $4',
filterParams: ['issue', 'currency', t1, t2],
groupBy: ['flavorId']
while (true) {
let { value: sum, done: done } = await
if (done) { break }
console.log('currency: ', sum.flavorId);
console.log('amount issued: ', sum.amount);
filter: 'type = $1 AND snapshot.flavor_tags.type = $2 AND timestamp >= $3 AND timestamp <= $4',
filter_params: ['issue', 'currency', t1, t2],
group_by: ['flavor_id']
).each do |sum|
puts 'currency: ', sum.flavor_id
puts 'amount issued: ', sum.amount